Crash Course in Simple Meditation

Meditation may seem daunting to some. How can you sit still with your eyes closed when there's so much to do?! It's simple, that's not to say it's easy, but with some basic things to remember during your meditation, and with consistency you will find it gets easier and easier.

Meditation is generally done in a comfortable seated position. Sukasana or "easy pose" is legs crossed, arms loose and hands palm down, resting on your knees. Try to keep your back straight.

If it helps to count each individual
breath, do so. I prefer to count the length of my inhalation and exhalation. This is called regulated breathing.
Try to match the length of your inhale to your exhale. It's also incredibly calming.
If the mind wanders, that's ok, come back to your breath, and to your centre.
Side note: in this photo my hands are not palm down, as they are in a yoga #mudra


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