
Showing posts from October, 2017

Lessons on Rejection

After relocating, twice, and replacing all the material items I had lost, I began to rebuild myself. This is no easy task, or quick for that matter - in fact it is a work in progress, and likely always will be to some extent. Rejection stings like a mother fucker. Some kinds of rejection, shake us to the foundation we had so confidently reinforced. Causing the building above to collapse. What did I learn? Man, tons of tough truths. Personal ones. Ones that I wont share here, but here are some that I will: You are not defined by other peoples opinions, or approval. What someone else thinks of you, says more about them than it does you. This isn’t some cliche excuse to make you feel better  -  it is legit the truth. It brings me to an amazing quote I came across a while back, by Rupi Kuar “If someone does not want me, it is not the end. But if I do not want me, the world is nothing but endings.” Sit on that for a few minutes. The blatant and simple truth in those