Dancer's Pose - Mermaid Variation - How to:

I have always loved standing poses, and this pose is one of my most favorite and most fun to practice. Plus, let's be honest - it looks pretty cool too.

Below I have outlined the steps to get into Dancer's Pose - Mermaid variation:

  1. Standing in Mountain Pose, bend your right leg at the knee, heel towards your outer thigh. With your right hand, reach back and place the top of your foot into the palm of your hand.
  2. Slide the top of your foot down into the crease of your elbow, and let it sit there.
  3. Raise your left arm up, and bend at the elbow and see if you can clasp your fingers together over your head. Breathe and take note of any back discomfort you may feel at this moment, if so, stop here.
  4. Press the top of your foot into the crease of your elbow, as you lift that leg higher. Lean forward to maintain your balance if you require it. At the same time, push down into your planted foot as you lengthen. Breathe and hold the posture here for 5-10 breaths, and then release coming back into Mountain Pose. Repeat on the other side.
You may find that you have one side that is easier to do this on, than the other. Completely normal, just like we are either left handed, or right handed, some poses ( or most for me ) are easier to do on one side, then the other.

A good 10-15min vinyasa flow prior to doing this pose, will help with warming and loosening up the spine. Focus on Downward and Upward facing dog ( also great for your shoulders ) Cat/Cow and Camel followed with Child's Pose. You may want to have a nice forward bend after each time you exist this pose.


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